When’s the right time to rebrand?

The world is a constantly evolving place, and your business needs to keep up with the pace to survive. Now and again, this means change. While the shifts may not be on a tectonic scale, there comes a time for every business where a new direction is needed to push them towards a successful future.

An effective rebrand, whether that be a logo refresh, an update in your strategy or a complete overhaul, can give your business the first nudge it needs in a new direction. But how do you know when it’s the right time for a rebrand? We highlight the key problems that can show you it’s time to change things up…


You’ve been through some big changes

This may be a change of leadership or strategy, or you’ve gone through mergers or acquisition, and now, your business doesn’t have the same vision and values as before.

From day one, the main question that should drive your business is ‘why?’ If you can say proudly why your business exists, people will know why they should buy into your product or service. Is the motivation behind your business clear? Once you know the answer yourself, look at your name and your branding. Do they communicate your ‘why’ and, if your focus has recently changed, does your branding signal this new direction loud and clear?

close-up photograph of the ‘Slurp’ logo in bright gold letters and the words ‘Wine, Spirits, Beers’ underneath on the outside of a shop against a black background

We gave Slurp a new strategy and brand refresh to create a bold new direction

Laws of attraction

When you first developed your initial branding it was bold and new, but now you find yourself making excuses for why it all looks a bit out of date. If your branding does start to collect dust, you risk your audience believing you’re falling behind in innovation too. An update on the visual look of your business can set you right and ensure your brand is saying the right things about your business for years to come.

back of the brochure showing a section of the coat of arms in blue against a dark blue background on the left, the front of the brochure with foil words 'The Worshipful Company of Saddlers' and the numbers '2019' on the front and the words 'annual report' in white on the right

For The Worshipful Company of Saddlers we redefined their heritage to make it relevant today

One scoop or two?

A picture may speak 1000 words, but what if your branding isn’t speaking to the right people? Brands must always stay ahead of the game. Stay still for too long and your once fresh branding will start to look a little vanilla in comparison to the new businesses on the block. Perhaps your target audience over time has changed and your brand needs to adapt to accommodate their needs. Maybe you’ve added a new service or launched a new product and your proposition is no longer relevant. The bottom line is, you feel your branding no longer reflects your business’ values and it’s not aligned with your vision and aspirations.

Your branding can make you stand out from your competitors, make you memorable and increase brand awareness, all helping to increase your business' value.

Infinity and beyond

You’ve expanded your reach to new markets, whether that’s on an international or a global scale. Hooray! But, as a result, your business’ name and visual look may no longer be appropriate, losing you the impact and crucial engagement you once had in your market.


Next steps

So, if any of the above applies to you, whether your business has completely changed or is just in need of a lift, get in touch for a chat about how we can help launch it in a new direction. Over the years we’ve worked on lots of rebrands and branding projects and are always looking to take on new challenges with businesses big or small. Get in touch to find out more.

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