Gamification: Five Insights From Our Studio

Consumers today - especially gen Z and millennials - are increasingly on the lookout for innovative and engaging products and experiences - actively seeking out bands that are interactive, stimulating and playful.

According to BazaarVoice (2022), 70% of customers enjoy gaming elements while shopping online, and as this trend only gains momentum, an increasing number of brands are incorporating gamification elements into their branding campaigns to immerse and engage their customers and ultimately, keep them coming back for more

With this in mind, our studio has compiled their top five observations when it comes to the implementation and advantages of gamification in a branding strategy.

1. Cultivating and nurturing vibrant communities 

Games are powerful community-building tools. Interactive and inherently social, they’ve forged communities and enabled people to network and connect for a long time. With the right gamification elements, brands can create environments that drive active participation, foster collaboration, cultivate a sense of belonging, fuel community growth, nurture knowledge sharing, and build customer loyalty by tapping into our innate desire for achievement, collaboration and recognition.

2. Enhancing customer experiences 

Offering customers loyalty programs in the form of points, currency or other in-app currency is a great way to enhance their customer experience. By incorporating gamification elements that tap into consumers’ innate desire to compete and complete, brands can engage customers on a deeper level, infusing their customer journey with excitement, triggering the release of endorphins, rewarding them for their hard-work and ultimately, encouraging them to return again and again

3. Engaging and connecting with consumers 

Customers have either downloaded a brand’s app or are visiting their website because they have a genuine interest in the brand’s products or services. Gamification branding can not only help to attract these customers but also keep them engaged, ensuring their continued presence. By integrating social features, personalisation, completion metres, and online games such as scratch cards, spin the wheels, or quizzes, brands can actively involve their customers, fostering greater engagement and forging emotional connections which – you guessed it – form the foundation of that all important brand loyalty. 

4. Harnessing the power of data collection and insights 

Personalised gaming experiences often require users to submit personal information to participate. By collecting this information, brands can gain valuable insights into their customers’ preferences, behaviour, and demographics. More importantly, by analysing this data, companies can make more informed decisions, customise their branding efforts, and enhance their overall branding strategy to align with customer desires, needs, and preferences.

5. Improving employee engagement 

Gamification is not only valued by customers but also hugely important for employees. In fact, 90% of employees claim to be more productive when engaged in some form of gamification at work (Zippa, 2023). 

Today, companies are incorporating gamification elements into various aspects of their hiring processes. By creating customised games, offering rewards, or implementing leaderboards, companies can turn mundane processes into exciting and rewarding experiences. In the workplace, gamification elements not only motivate employees to meet and exceed their targets but also help to foster a sense of teamwork and community. It’s a win-win.

Ultimately, gamification is here to stay, so now is the ideal moment to elevate your branding and embrace this popular trend. If you need help incorporating gamification elements into your branding strategies, drop us a line to discuss how we can help.

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