Embracing and Adopting New Skills: Top Tips From Our Studio

Upskilling is all about learning new skills. Every individual, employee, startup, titan or business owner can benefit from upskilling, regardless of whether you're pursuing new knowledge or if you are part of an organisation embracing innovative technologies.

The importance of upskilling cuts across all industries, and in truth, it’s never been more important for individuals to learn new skills as businesses embrace technological innovations, adapt their operations, and adapt to global trends. Although, the benefits of expanding your skill set extend beyond business. In addition to increasing your potential and competitive edge, it is incredibly fulfilling, rewarding, and enriching. Who doesn’t love a bit of personal growth? 

To help you master new skills – whatever they may be – our team has compiled a list of our  best tips. Developing new skills can be challenging, but it’s imperative for personal and professional advancement, which is why we’re here to help you embrace your learning. Let’s take a look.


Get a routine

Nothing helps you learn a new skill quite like routine. New skills can be ingrained quickly by creating regular time schedules and sticking to them. Investing time in learning a skill is crucial, but you should also be realistic about just how much time you can afford to devote to it. For example, learning a new skill for 15 hours one week, and then letting it gather dust for another 5 weeks is less productive than learning it in regular bursts.


Study little and often

The reason you’ve probably heard this saying before is that it’s a highly effective method of learning. Daily study keeps a new skill fresh in your mind and prevents the task from feeling daunting or overwhelming. Learning something over a long period of time is usually more beneficial than cramming it at the last minute. Everything in moderation. 


Define clear goals and outcomes

The pursuit of an end goal always motivates us. Having a tangible outcome to show at the end of our work is both fulfilling and inspiring for our team. We understand, however, that setting long-term goals can feel daunting when they seem far off. How do you get past this? Goal setting on a smaller scale! 

Be realistic about your painting abilities if you are only starting out. Instead of trying to transform into Pablo Picasso overnight, focus on mastering a few brushstrokes. Small goals are easily attainable, and they contribute to your overall learning.


Be interested 

Having a passion for what you do is essential. It’s easier to dedicate time to something you value or enjoy if it’s important to you. The truth is, when you enjoy what you do, you will exert more effort and time towards it. It’s that simple. When something feels like a chore, it’s less likely you’ll keep doing it, so take measures to eliminate boredom and fatigue, whether it’s by innovating exciting ways of learning or setting firm time limits.


Find your learning style

When it comes to learning a new skill, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Learning styles vary, and if you know what type of learner you are, you can make your training more effective. Identify your learning style by reflecting on your past learning experiences. From here, you’ll be able to discern what approach best works for you. Even so, it’s always important to keep an open mind – you can always learn something by trying something new!

Get in touch to discuss how we can help.

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