How to effectively and ethically communicate your sustainability goals

It can be tricky to communicate sustainability goals - especially when balancing delving into too much detail and appearing uncommitted. A topic so globally relevant, vital, and pertinent can be challenging to discuss.

But, talking about climate change is the most critical thing you can do to combat it. Even when it’s tough – it’s imperative to articulate, share, and work toward sustainability goals together.

It’s worth stating that communicating sustainability requires doing sustainability first. You should only talk about sustainability once you have taken action – even if that action is still in progress. We need to speak out in an age of rampant greenwashing.

We understand that it can be difficult to get it right, which is why we’ve compiled a list of five tips to help you effectively – and more importantly, ethically – communicate your sustainability goals.

  • Be clear. Be clear on what you are doing now and what you are looking to do in the future. Your work and aspirations should be easily understood from an accessibility perspective. Rather than throwing around buzz words nobody understands, explain what you mean and be clear about it.
  • Be sure what you’re saying is relevant to your business and worth sharing. We should all strive to make a difference, but what is your business doing to make a meaningful impact? From narrative to design, your sustainability story should be informed by how your sustainability efforts align with your brand attributes, business strategies, and values.
  • Stay positive. You want your audience to be on board, instead of scared away. This is about making positive strides for a better future. Engage without catastrophizing. Rather than focusing on what can’t be done, your communications should demonstrate what can. Your language should resonate, empower and galvanise.
  • Keep it concise. Your audience won’t want to get bogged down in the details. Jargon should be avoided in favour of clear, appealing, conversational language. Don’t overwhelm your reader with information. Illustrations and callouts can help simplify complex topics.
  • Be honest and open. It’s vital that you’re transparent about what you are doing and stay informed. Businesses that communicate authentically with their customers are more valued than ever before.Just one misstep can derail years of investment, employee, and public trust. Honesty is the best policy. 

If you need help in communicating your sustainability goals, drop us a line.

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